Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ron Paul For President!

Ok - I'm "all-in". I proudly donated today to the Ron Paul for President campaign. I even captured my name "in lights" on the home page.

I actually hope Congressman Paul loses the GOP nomination, but only just barely, and only after getting lots of attention from the mainstream media. Then I hope he rallies together the independents, Libertarian Party, Constitution Party, Green Party, former Perot supporters and any other disaffected and disenfranchised would-be voter. Especially from among the 50% or more of the population who haven't even bothered to vote in the past few presidential elections.

Ron Paul is the only candidate I will bother voting for. Anyone else will just be the lesser of 12 evils!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

2007 Annual Hot Dog Roast

Thanks to my terrific aunt and uncle (Dave and Karen Sileo) and the other organizers, this year's AHDR was another success. Here are some of the pictures:

Too bad we didn't get a better picture of the "friendly" camper from next door who brought us an apple at the end of the day. He's the guy in the pickup truck talking to our Boot Drive Salesman!

Here's where it is...

View Larger Map

And here's one of my rounds of golf!

Pirate Night at EGUG

At the ESRI Electric and Gas Utilities User Group meeting. It was at the Gaylord Resort in Nashville.

sent from my Treo 755p.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dana's New Crocs

New Jeff Gordon Crocs®!

sent from my Treo 755p.